KidCheck Check-In SurveysWith Check-In Surveys, gather key information and ask the questions you need answers to right at check-in. Easily create surveys/questionnaires for families to complete conveniently at the start of check-in.

Quickly get the data you need – whether it’s must-have health and safety information, or nice to know additional details.

Need to evaluate and track illness symptoms? Want to find out who completed a suggested activity, needs a shirt, brought a friend, can attend a class? Want to get input on plans for an upcoming event, if they’re coming, what they’ll contribute to the potluck? Need answers to specific questions for a youth program? Whatever you want to ask, you can set up a Check-In Survey to capture the answers.

Easily set up one or multiple surveys in the format that works best. Question and answer options include drop down, check box, radio button, short and long input. Questionnaires can be created for children, guardians or workers. You can set a date range and decide if it shows up at every check-in or just once.

You can even halt a child check-in due to a certain response, based on your criteria. Especially helpful with COVID, cold and flu symptoms. For example, if the response to “Do you have a fever over 100.3?” is “yes”, the check-in process would not continue. A message will show up noting that check-in has been blocked and to see a staff member for additional assistance. There is an option to override the block and it will record who allowed the check-in.

Completed surveys can be easily referenced if needed as all historical survey data is available in the “Survey” tab and can also be exported for reporting.

Tutorial:  Check-In Surveys