Express Check-In Frequently Asked Questions
- How does Express Check-In help with social distancing and germ management?
Express Check-In is basically touchless check-in as the process happens on the parent’s mobile device. There is no need to use a check-in station at all which means less people touching equipment and therefore less chance of spreading germs. Since the check-in is processed at your facility still on their mobile device, no QR or bar code to scan, nothing to input, there’s no need to stand in line. Additional features exist to help with touchless check-in and out options as well.
- Is the check-in fully complete right when the parent uses Express check-in?
Parents start check-in from home, parking lot, wherever they have an internet or cellular connection; however the check-in is not fully completed until they physically arrive at your facility. Upon arrival, the KidCheck ExpressHub will recognize the check-in and associated mobile device. A ‘submit’ button will be enabled and the user will be prompted by a notification on their mobile device that check-in is ready to be completed. They simply tap ‘submit’ to complete check-in and the appropriate child name labels and guardian receipts will print to the label printer(s) associated with the ExpressHub.
- How much does Express Check-In cost?
Express Check-In is an included feature across all KidCheck editions. To take full advantage of the feature and enable label printing, you will need to purchase and license an ExpressHub. The ExpressHub itself is $299 and needs to have a check-in license associated. The license cost is based on the edition and one device or unlimited device option you choose.
- With Express Check-In is a computer or check-in station needed to process the check-in?
When using Express Check-in with a licensed ExpressHub, a computer check-in station is not necessary to complete check-in. Parents will start check-in from their location (home, car, parking lot, etc) on their mobile device and upon arrival at your facility will be recognized by the ExpressHub and prompted to complete check-in which initiates printing to the label printer. No check-in station needed, no need to input phone numbers, scan a code, or complete any other process.
- Is an ExpressHub necessary to use Express Check-In?
To take full advantage of Express Check-In and have the entire check-in completed and printed via the parent’s mobile device, a licensed ExpressHub is necessary. The ability for parents to start check-in on their mobile device with Express Check-In is still available without a licensed KidCheck ExpressHub. However, labels will not be prompted to print upon arrival. In this case, volunteers/staff at your organization, or the family themselves, will still need to use a physical check-in station to complete check-in and print labels.
- Can check-out be completed with Express Check-In as well?
Express Check-In is designed for fast, secure mobile check-in. For safety reasons to ensure the child is only released to an authorized guardian, check-outs can not be processed with Express Check-In. A check-out via a smartphone device alone doesn’t allow volunteers or staff to see the person checking the child out to confirm matching codes or that they are listed as an authorized guardian.
- What mobile devices does Express Check-In work on?
Express Check-In works on both Apple iOS and Google Android mobile devices.
- How is Express Check-In different than using a mobile device to check-in and print?
Express Check-In is a form of mobile check-in where families can initiate check-in on their smartphone without being onsite at your facility, then complete check-in and print labels upon arrival (with licensed ExpressHub to label printer).There is also the option for you to use a licensed iPhone, iPad or Android tablet to check families in at your facility. This is a version of check-in where the mobile device, manned by an employee or volunteer, is used as the check-in station. In addition to Express Check-In, the ExpressHub also allows for fast, reliable mobile printing from a licensed mobile device (phone or tablet) to a printer without needing a computer or having to use a wireless printer.
- What if a parent starts check-in with Express Check-In, but they don’t end up attending?
The check-in will not be fully completed, no labels will print, and therefore no check-in will be recorded as having occurred. Also, the uncompleted Express Check-In will be cleared from the parents mobile device at the end of the day.
- With Express Check-In can parents check-in their kids and still check-in as a volunteer?
Yes. The check-in options are the same whether using Express Check-In or being at a physical check-in station. The children, locations, volunteer check-in and other options such as number of labels, pick-up guardian, and check-in notes are all still available.
- Are there instructions for parents? What is the best way to involve them?
Yes! There is a free Express parent communication toolkit available for you to download to inform and encourage parents around Express Check-In. These include a quick, fun introduction video, parent notification letter, parent instructions, how-to parent instructions video, ‘business’ cards, and wall or table top signs to put in your check-in area. Download the full kit here or individual items are available here under “Express Check-In Introduction Tools” section.
- Where can a parent start check-in from?
Anywhere they have an internet or cellular data connection.
- How do child labels and guardian receipts print?
For label printing with Express Check-In, your organization will need a licensed ExpressHub and label printer. Parents can start check-in offsite, but will need to be at your physical facility to complete check-in and prompt printing. After starting a check-in, once they arrive at the facility, the ExpressHub will recognize the check-in and associated mobile device. A ‘submit’ button will be enabled on the users smartphone and they will be prompted by a notification on their mobile device that check-in is ready to be completed. They simply tap ‘submit’ to complete check-in and the appropriate child name labels and guardian receipts will print via the ExpressHub to the associated label printer. No standing in line, no using a check-in station, no QR code to scan.
- How close to the ExpressHub does the mobile device need to be to print labels?
Families will need to be at the facility to complete check-in and prompt printing. Once the parent’s mobile device is within Bluetooth range, the ExpressHub will recognize the mobile device and provide a notification to the user to complete check in and initiate printing.
- Do we have to print labels if we use Express Check-In?
If your organization’s process does not utilize child name labels or guardian receipts, you can still use Express Check-In without printing labels. You will still need an ExpressHub to complete the check-in, but do not have to have an associated label printer attached.
- Does the KidCheck Mobile App need to be downloaded to use Express Check-In?
To use Express Check-In, the parents/guardians will need to download the free KidCheck mobile app from the Apple App Store of Google Play Store and create/use their personal (also free) KidCheck account. If the organization has enabled Express Check-In, families can start check-in, from anywhere with an internet or data connection, by using the KidCheck app on their mobile device.
- Can visitors check-in using Express?
If you have a visitor who has never checked in, they can still use Express Check-In. To do so, they’ll need to:
- Download the KidCheck mobile app from the app store (or can easily done by scanning the QR code on the ExpressHub)
- Create an Account from the login screen
- Log into the app
- Tap on the Check-In area of the app and select Express Check-In
- Follow the Express Check-In prompts to initiate an Express Check-In (as long as they are near a ExpressHub at your location, your organization will show up as available for an Express Check-In for a new user)
- How do we make sure the right people get the right labels?
A parent will be able to print labels and finish their Express Check-In once within Bluetooth range of the ExpressHub. This allows parents to maintain control of knowing when (and where) their labels print and to be able to retrieve the correct labels for the correct families.
- What if I have multiple licensed ExpressHub devices and/or printers?
If multiple ExpressHub devices and/or printers are detected by the parent’s mobile device when completing check-in, they will see a list of available printers and be prompted to select which one they’d like to use. We recommend the ExpressHub and associated printers are descriptively named and clearly labeled.
- Are ratios or location capacity affected when a parent starts an Express Check-In?
No ratio will be affected, nor will a spot be held in a location, until the Express Check-In is completed. Capacities and ratios are verified and updated only when a check-in is completed, not when an Express Check-In is started. When completing the Express Check-In, parents will be notified should a location already be full.
- How do Express Check-Ins affect the Admin Console and reports?
A check-in processed through Express Check-In will be recognized exactly the same way as a check-in processed through a traditional check-in station.