KidCheck will be closed December 24-25. Happy Holidays!
KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Creating an Anti-Bullying Program: The Framework

Creating an Anti-Bullying Program: The Framework

This is the second post in the series on Creating an Anti-Bullying Program. The series focuses on the components, the framework, and the implementation of a new anti-bullying program. This post discusses how to create a framework for your program. A framework is simply a set ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-in Shares Creating an Anti-Bullying Program: The Components

Creating an Anti-Bullying Program: The Components

This is the first post in the series on Creating an Anti-Bullying Program. The series focuses on the components, the framework, and the implementation of a new anti-bullying program. Bullying comes in various forms: physical, cultural, verbal, emotional, sexual, and cyberbullying. shares that nationwide, 20% of ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares a Guest Post from Karl Bastian on Roster Check-In

Why the Kidologist Loves Roster Check-In

In this guest post, kidmin thought leader Kidologist, Karl Bastian, the creator of Kidology, shares in his experience what he sees as the benefits of using a real-time digital roster for youth, classrooms, special events, VBS, and much more. You will LOVE Roster Check-in! Why? When I was ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Is Sharing Building a First Aid Kit

Building a First Aid Kit

When you think about Emergency Preparedness, a big event or a natural disaster often comes to mind. However, the truth is most organizations will likely experience smaller-scale incidents in their day-to-day activities. In the quest to achieve a high standard of emergency preparedness, don’t overlook ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Sharing Youth Volunteer Resources

Youth Volunteer Resources

Youth volunteers have always been an integral part of any organization serving kids and youth. Volunteering provides opportunities to develop practical skills such as problem-solving and collaboration, gain real-world experience, and create meaningful change. Here are some KidCheck resources to help get the most out of ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares New Roster and Account Merge Tools

New and Exciting from KidCheck

We understand you need to get more done with less time, resources, and support. That’s why KidCheck has some new and exciting ways to help you improve efficiency, eliminate redundancy, and streamline the children’s check-in process. We’re always searching for ways to improve your experience, offer ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Is Sharing The Cost of the Constant Hustle

The Cost of the Constant Hustle

If you spend any time on social media, you’ll see hashtags such as #sleepisforlosers, #riseandgrind, and #hustlehard. Our culture is obsessed with long work hours, busyness, and constant achievement. We praise grueling schedules, glorify busyness, and constantly look for ways to perform the next miracle. ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Tips for Difficult Conversations with Attending Families

Tips for Difficult Conversations with Attending Families

As a child or youth-focused organization leader, you know the importance of effective communication with families. It’s easy when things are running smoothly, and there’s no immediate need for difficult discourse. But, what happens if there’s an incident or behavioral issue with a child or ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Introduces Roster Check-In Roster Check-In

KidCheck Introduces Roster Check-In

At KidCheck, we’re always looking to improve, offer the latest technology, and deliver on customer needs. KidCheck is built on listening to and implementing customer feedback and feature requests. That’s why we’re excited to introduce Roster Check-In! You asked for it and we’re excited to ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Safety Tips for Back-to-School Season

Safety Tips for Back-to-School Season

Summer has faded and kids have returned. Fall is a great time for reminders on how you can improve child safety. At KidCheck, we believe every child deserves to be in a safe environment and every parent, and organization caring for them, deserves peace of ...
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