ASF Payment Solutions Integration
Enabling ASF Integration
Enable integration with ASF within KidCheck:
- Login to your KidCheck account at
- Select the System Settings gear
- Select System Options (on the left) then Integration Options
- Select Enable under Management System Integration
- Select ASF Payment Solutions from the drop down menu
- Input your ASF account number and password
- Test Your Credentials
- Add specific Card Codes or Add-On Descriptions – when a member attempts to complete a Check-in the system will search these codes to make sure they have childcare available on their ASF account
- Select the green Save Changes button
Enable ASF Payment Solutions in “System Settings.” Then add the appropriate ASF Card Codes or Add-On Descriptions.
Basics of Integration
When a KidCheck customer integrates with ASF, we pull the gym member’s info from ASF into KidCheck. The success of automatically creating accounts will depend on if the gym member has childcare enabled on their ASF account. Most of the time, the guardian will be created within KidCheck but kids won’t be in the ASF system so the guardian would need to add kids in KidCheck once their account is on the screen (and created).
Things to note:
- The parent’s ASF member account must have childcare enabled in order to create/complete a Check-in within Kidcheck (matching according to the listed card codes and add-on descriptions)
- If a parent’s phone number is input at Check-in and KidCheck doesn’t see a matching parent account, doesn’t know what to do, etc., a page will display where the Admin can override thus allowing either a manual linking to a gym member (from their membership number) or allowing Check-in to happen anyway (in the event of a member who immediately signed up for gym membership and wants to immediately use childcare)
- If there’s a change in the gym member’s childcare status, KidCheck sees that during its nightly sync at midnight
Integration Examples
General Integration Rules
- When a phone number is entered in KidCheck and a match is found in ASF, the member with the lowest member number (oldest created account) gets created as the primary guardian in KidCheck.
- Any other person under the ASF account who is 18 or older becomes an Authorized Guardian in KidCheck.
- Any person under the ASF account under 18 becomes a child in KidCheck under the Primary Guardian.
Specific Scenarios
- Two Adults in ASF / No Kids
- The guardian with the lowest member number in ASF gets created as Primary Guardian in KidCheck. The other Guardian is listed as an Authorized Guardian. The Primary Guardian will need to create kids within KidCheck.
- Two Adults in ASF / [x] Kids
- The guardian with the lowest member number in ASF gets created as Primary Guardian in KidCheck. The other Guardian is listed as an Authorized Guardian. Any person on their ASF under age 18 becomes a child in KidCheck.
- One Adult in ASF / No Kids
- The person in ASF gets created as a Primary Guardian in KidCheck. They will need to add children under them.
- Multiple Adults in ASF / No Kids
- The guardian with the lowest member number in ASF gets created as Primary Guardian in KidCheck. The other Guardians are listed as a Authorized Guardians. The Primary Guardian will need to create kids within KidCheck.
- Multiple Adults in ASF / [x] Kids
- The guardian with the lowest member number in ASF gets created as Primary Guardian in KidCheck. The other Guardian(s) is listed as an Authorized Guardian. Any person on their ASF under age 18 becomes a child in KidCheck.
- Guardian Already in KidCheck AND Guardian Already in ASF
- This will do matching to try to link the two existing entities. If a direct/obvious match is found, they’ll be linked. If a potential match is found, this will bring them to the Admin Override page where an Admin can manually link to a potential match (e.g. “Bill” in KidCheck / “William” in ASF) or manually search for member by ASF member number.
- Guardian Already in KidCheck BUT NOT in ASF
- This will bring up the Admin Override page. From here, an Admin can manually link to a potential match (e.g. “Bill” in KidCheck / “William” in ASF) or manually search for member by ASF member number.
Other Things to Note:
- If the Primary Guardian later adds an adult member to their account in ASF, this new ASF member will be created as an Authorized Guardian in KidCheck at the next Check-in.
- This type of check happens each time a Guardian’s phone number is entered at Check-in within KidCheck.