KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Top Tips for VBS Follow Up

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is done! So, what’s next? VBS is one of the most significant outreach events of the year. You’re exhilarated, exhausted, and contemplating the next big thing.

Remember, the follow-up is as important as all the work you’ve already done. By following up, you will continue the momentum of reaching new families long after the event is finished.

Here are eight tips for after VBS.

  1. Debrief With Your Team – After the event, take a few minutes to write down what worked and what didn’t. Highlight areas of strength and points of weakness in your VBS plan. Think through the details of each day and what would have made the event better, safer, or more successful. Incorporate survey information (see #4 below) and share feedback with your team.
  2. Show Volunteers Gratitude – Keep it simple. Send a handwritten thank you or personal email to everyone who contributed or volunteered. There are no small jobs for pulling off a VBS, and everyone deserves a “thank you.” In addition, for new volunteers, use the thank you note to invite them to participate in other upcoming events or perhaps weekly services. They have just been fully screened, so incorporating them into upcoming events saves time and money.
  3. Follow-Up with Families – This action should be considered an extension of the event outreach for new families. At a minimum, send a thank you and include information about upcoming events, service times, and volunteer opportunities. Be sure to include your contact information so they can reach you with any questions.
  4. Conduct Short Online Surveys – Whether you ask for people’s thoughts on the event via a short questionnaire they can fill out on-site or offer a quick online survey, the goal is to get as much feedback as possible. Then, share that feedback at the debriefing meeting, which will help to set a strategy and plan for next year.
  5. Share Event Success – If the resources are available, make a short video that shares the theme of this year’s event. Include footage from the initial check-in, different activities, quotes from new families, attendance numbers, and survey feedback. Or share the success in a bulletin, on social media, and invite others to do the same, or place information on the children’s ministry webpage or the organization’s homepage. Go old school and hang up posters with photos so that families that weren’t there can see the fun. Word of mouth is a free source of marketing for your organization and next year’s event.
  6. Clear the Clutter – Reuse, repurpose, or recycle is the name of the game. Gather, distribute, or dispose of the leftover materials, especially if space is scarce. Don’t let the excess items sit for too long, they increase the clutter. Contact other churches or nonprofits planning a similar-themed event for next year. Anything not saved, reused, or recycled should go in the dumpster.
  7. Give Thanks – Give thanks for a great event, the children, their families, the volunteers, and anyone who helped or contributed to the event. God is the reason for the VBS season, and showing gratitude goes a long way in blessing those who participated.
  8. Set a VBS date for Next Year—Setting a date early for next year’s VBS and letting others know will help secure your location, allow volunteers and families to plan their summer schedules, and keep the timeline for next year’s event top of mind for those who could not participate.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of using secure children’s, youth check-in, and volunteer scheduling to help manage your events, keep families smiling, and improve safety. You can also subscribe to the KidCheck blog or connect with us on YouTubeTwitterFacebookPinterest, and Instagram.

Photo by Janay Peters on Unsplash