5 Ways to Give Thanks All Year Long

The week of Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect on the elements of life, that you’re most thankful for – this could include family, friends, good health, a job, or even something as simple as food and water. Thankfulness means different things to different people and comes in all shapes and sizes. What’s often forgotten is the expression of gratitude to those individuals that make life worth being thankful for.
Expressing gratitude on a daily basis is a great way to feel more satisfied and engaged in life. Studies have shown that not only being grateful, but expressing it to others, has both mental and physical health rewards, for both the one expressing gratitude and the one receiving it. Individuals that express their gratitude tend to experience more positive emotions like excitement, joy, and peace, and report feeling better connected with others.
Feeling something is one thing, but acting on it is another. Here are five things from gratefulness.org you can do to express thankfulness all year long. Enjoy!
- Every night before you go to sleep, take an inventory of the things for which you are grateful. Let them percolate through your mind and calm your body. Write down at least five things that matter to you.
- Send an e-card or card letting someone know that you are thinking of them today. Expect nothing in return. Just share appreciation and acknowledgement.
- Start your day with an intention to show up absolutely whole-heartedly to everything you do today. Notice at the end of the day if anything changed because of this intention.
- Reach out to someone you know is going through a difficult time. You do not have to have the right things to say, just connect in a meaningful way.
- Pray for those in need and give thanks for the opportunity to pray for them.