Christmas is on its Way!

The first week of December marks the beginning of the trek through the holidays, and a time when most have to face the fact, Christmas is on its way.
For those in children’s ministry, there are children’s programs to be prepared; decorations to be put up, additional volunteer schedules to manage, and lots of communication to get out. One thing, that can get lost in the holiday shuffle, is the need for increased security in the children’s ministry area.
For children’s ministry, Christmas is synonymous with an increase in first-time visiting families and an influx of new faces and volunteers. A couple of questions to consider when planning for additional security during the holidays are highlighted below. If you look at the questions and feel overwhelmed by a lack of response, have no fear; we’re going to answer each one and whole lot more, in next week’s podcast.
The podcast will feature Jason and Heidi Hensley, children’s ministry’s’ dynamic duo. Jason brings a wealth of knowledge, as he served 11 years as a senior/associate pastor, prior to becoming a police officer, SWAT operator, and active shooter instructor. Heidi has served as the Director of Children and Family Ministries at Quail Lakes Baptist Church in Stockton California since 2005. She is a talented children’s ministry blogger, an accomplished author and speaker, and who has a passion for sharing the love of Christ with those in her care.
Take a look at the questions below and don’t forget to tune in next week for the ongoing discussion. We would love to hear your feedback and any additional information you would like to share.
1. What is the number one security threat to children’s ministry during the holiday season?
2. As a children’s ministry leader what keeps you up at night during the holidays?
3. How do you identify potential security threats in the children’s ministry area?
4. Does your process for checking children in and out change during times of increased attendance such as the holiday season?
5. For smaller churches, what are some tips & tricks they can do with a smaller resource pool?