Classroom Staffing and Ratios

Providing adequate staffing and guidelines in the classroom is essential in preventing abuse, establishing due diligence, and eliminating easy access to children. But, what should ratios look like if every organization is unique? Is there an association that sets these standards and if so what are the guidelines?
Our friends at Ground Operations Development (G.O.D.) provided useful information on the topics of classroom ratios, age requirements for volunteering, and guidelines to consider. The data comes from their Nursery Security Policy, which is one of several policies they provide to organizations they work with to improve child safety.
G.O.D. also recommends that ratios meet or exceed the standards set by NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) and NAECS/SDE (National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Department of Education).
Ratios include:
Suggested Volunteer Age Requirements:
Guidelines to Consider:
- Only adults 18 years or older can serve in rooms with children 12 months or younger.
- With an adult present at all times student volunteers, if proven mature, faithful, and dependable can serve as “Teachers” or “Group Leaders.”
- “Friends” are not approved to volunteer or be in the nursery.
- No volunteer under the age of 12 is allowed to escort children to the bathroom.
- Volunteer nursery workers are not to be texting or engaged in any social media while serving.
- No photographs of children in the Nursery may be taken or shared on social media.
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