Community Spotlight for National Internet Safety Month

In the post, you’ll find proactive strategies and information on how to help safeguard yourself, family, and organization against common threats to information, and data stored online.
Did you know it’s National Internet Safety Month? Every June, individuals, families, and organizations celebrate the event in order to promote awareness and encourage people to take a proactive approach to online safety and security. That’s why we will be sharing our Internet safety strategies alongside expert advice from industry leaders. As the Internet evolves and becomes more ingrained in our daily lives, it’s important that users know how to help protect themselves against common threats targeting vulnerable individuals, information, and data stored online.
Digital Dangers – At Home
Individuals using the Internet, especially children, could be accidentally putting personally identifiable information and user data of the entire family in the hands of a determined criminal. In recent reports, children are being increasingly targeted, with well over 1 million reported claims in 2017 alone. Although falling victim to the repercussions of identity theft is a real concern, other online attacks, like cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and social media account hacking, are equally as serious. In fact, our technological dependence makes it easier for criminals to gather, use, or sell personal information, especially if you’ve had your information stolen in the past.
Therefore, it’s recommended that individuals consider researching identity theft protection companies like this, as they monitor and protect sensitive information against new and repeat attacks targeting you or your family. Monitoring services provide peace of mind and make discussions on Internet security and safety that much easier. Every safety discussion should start in the home, and having the smart talk with your children is a great way to cover the safety information that could help keep your family protected.
KidCheck – Beyond Internet Safety
KidCheck is a full-featured, easy-to-use, and secure children’s check-in system designed for organizations caring for children to help improve public child safety, reduce liability, and foster peace-of-mind for parents. KidCheck helps ensure no one can pick up a child without parental consent, which means children are safe, parents are happy, and organizations have less risk.
Data Security – A Top Priority for KidCheck
Data security and information management is a very important aspect of the overall safety puzzle. KidCheck’s focus is not just on the safekeeping of children, but also the security of data. These are top priorities, with many technologies and practices put in place to protect your identity and information.
KidCheck – Parental Benefits
KidCheck, believes every child deserves a chance to grow up in a safe environment, and every parent deserves peace of mind about the safety of their children. Current research indicates that among parents today, child safety and data protection is a primary concern. Because of this, the KidCheck system encompasses:
Child Safety
- Easily create and update a list of who can (and cannot) pick up your children
- Upload photos of children and guardians for added security
- Provide medical and allergy information and alerts
Information Security
- No one sees you or your child’s information until you check-in to their facility
- KidCheck uses the same secure data technology as banks to keep information safe
- KidCheck never asks for personal identification such as Social Security numbers, credit cards or banking information, and never sells the information gathered
- Speedy check-in, simply input your ten-digit phone number
- KidCheck is web-based so that accounts can be created and accessed from anywhere
- Text message notifications when a child is checked in and out, or in case of emergency
For organizations, implementing a secure children’s check-in solution is an important step to improve security; however, it is truly the people behind the system that determine the ultimate security and success of that system. Utilizing key tools, such as an electronic check-in solution, coupled with staff screening, training, and clear expectations make for a winning strategy. KidCheck is honored to be part of that process.
Tips to Gain Buy-In for Child Safety
Don’t be afraid to reach out to the leaders of any organization in which your child participates to find out more about how they’re providing for the safety and security of your child. If you notice gaps in safety speak up and take action.
- Define the safety goal and explain why leadership should care. Do your research, make a plan, define the actions you’d like to see happen, and measure outcomes.
- Create alliances with other parents, who share your same concerns and connect with leadership. – Try to identify a champion in the organization that understands your request and supports what you are doing.
- Gain a good understanding of how your request fits into the overall goals and vision of the organization. Try to listen more than you speak.
- Remember that preparation is the key! It will help you to anticipate questions, have confidence in your efforts and stand your ground when needed.
Each of these steps can help make a difference and help keep the children in your community safe both on and off-line.
National Internet Safety Month is an extremely important cause! It’s everyone’s responsibility to do their part to make sure their family’s sensitive information and stored online data is kept protected. As the Internet continues to evolve, and our society becomes increasingly dependent on our Internet-connected devices, we must consider the ways in which we can promote online and public safety for children, both at home and in the community.
For more information and tips for staying safe this summer, visit the KidCheck blog