Digital Literacy – Crossing the Great Divide

Digital Literacy – Crossing the Great Divide
There have been several articles recently on the importance of Digital Literacy (DL) in children’s ministry. Wikipedia defines Digital Literacy as follows, “The ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology. It involves a working knowledge of current high-technology, and an understanding of how it can be used.” Those proficient in Digital Literacy are often referred to Digital Natives.
There are differing perspectives on how young children interact with digital environments. What we do know though, is that long before children are introduced to a more formal learning environment, such as the Sunday school classroom; from their earliest years they’ve been exposed to television, computer games, mobile or touch devices and the Internet. They’re wired from a very young age, meaning the digital generation has arrived.
So how does Digital Literacy pertain to children’s ministry and how do ministry leaders leverage the use of technology for the benefit of the children they serve?
For the ministry leader, Digital Literacy can be used to identify tools for effective parent & staff communication, attendance tracking, children’s check-in, child safety and security plus so much more.
For the ministry worker/volunteer Digital Literacy can open up a whole new world to children. Check out “62 Ideas For Using the iPad™ In The Classroom.” This tool is powerful for connecting, teaching, and sharing information with children.
The opportunity with Digital Literacy lies within the ability to balance the entertainment factor, the learning environment, and the need to connect with children and parents on an individual basis. One thing is for sure technology isn’t going away anytime soon and the more it can be incorporated into ministry the more effective ministry will become.
Sources: Digital Literacy in Early Childhood – edited by Jackie Marsh, Wikipedia,
[Tweet “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the #kids working together and motivating them, the #teacher is most important.” – Bill Gates”] [Tweet “Teaching in the Internet age means we must teach tomorrow’s skills today. – Jennifer Fleming. #kidmin #learning #education #churchtech “] [Tweet “Technology is a gift of God. After the #gift of #life it is perhaps the greatest of #God’s gifts – Freeman Dyson #kidmin #LIFE #GodIsGood “]