5 Steps for Easter Follow Up

Easter is almost here, and it’s a big deal. That’s why it’s important to have a strategy to welcome new first-time visitors and follow up with them. By following up, you will be able to answer any outstanding questions and help them feel connected and seen, which plays a part in their decision to return.
Here are five steps for an effective follow-up strategy.
- Track New & Visiting Families – It’s important to know who the first-time Easter visitors were and have their contact information. To access information quickly and easily for new and visiting families, we suggest the “First Time Check-in Report.” It’s in the KidCheck comprehensive reports library and shows children and guardians, the check-in date, contact information, and room location.
- Timely First Follow Up – To significantly increase the chances of first-time visitors returning, follow up within 48 hours of the service. Make sure to include time in the plan to follow up. It’s helpful to ask a few volunteers to make calls, send emails, or write thank you cards.
- Give Thanks! – Thank first-time visitors for coming during initial check-in and when you follow up after the event. Of course, a personal handwritten thank you card is always best, but if that’s not possible, create a personal email with the family’s name and include your direct contact information. Also, consider including a note to the child from their teacher.
- Share Future Events – In the thank you note, or during check-out, share upcoming events, the website address, volunteer opportunities, Facebook groups, and any other ways they can get connected or find out more information.
- Second Follow Up – Two-three weeks, or whenever appropriate after the first follow-up, touch base again. This outreach can be very informal, perhaps a quick phone call, email, or text. Without putting any pressure on the family, convey that you hope to see them again soon, share upcoming events, and answer any outstanding questions.
Finally, however the follow-up process looks for your organization, make sure and keep any promises made; things like sending them more information about another event or volunteer opportunity. Keeping promises goes a long way in solidifying their decision to return.
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Photo by Hannah Tasker on Unsplash