Easter Safety Recommendations

Child safety is a top priority for families when dropping off their kids, and Easter is no exception. Whether families are visiting or attending regularly, they will evaluate your organization by how it conducts the day-to-day safety protocols. As families become more informed, they know how to identify gaps in protection and may choose not to return if they feel safety is compromised.
As you prepare to celebrate Easter, it’s an excellent time to review your safety plan and consider ways to improve it. By prioritizing safety and wellness, you will create a memorable experience for everyone.
Here are some recommendations to up your Easter safety game:
- When preparing volunteers for Easter services, ensure you cover logistical details, roles and responsibilities, child safety protocols, facility layout, the location of first aid equipment, and any details of communication devices that will be used for the day.
- Determine appropriate classroom ratios and divide children into age-appropriate groups to prevent bumps, bruises, and trampling.
- Have a well-defined check-in and check-out process in place. This will assure visiting families that child safety is a top priority.
- Implement a system for identifying allergies or medical issues for visiting children.
- Allergy-proof your goodie stash. Avoid handing out anything containing dairy, tree nuts, eggs, wheat, soy, or peanuts.
- Never offer small candy or toys to children under five years old to prevent choking. Small toys should not be given out without supervision or parental consent.
- Before Easter, walk your facility and consider how you can increase safety. Invite local police and fire to tour your kid’s area and give suggestions for safety improvements, evacuation, and incident response.
- Connect with your security team. They are a fantastic resource that can assist you with emergencies. Ensure you have a dedicated security team member assigned to your area for Easter services.
- Restock first aid kits, check the batteries in defibrillators, and increase the inventory of hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, disposable gloves, and tissues.
- Visibly hang laminated lists of important contact information in each classroom and main hallways.
KidCheck provides full-featured, easy-to-use, secure children and youth check-in solutions, volunteer scheduling, and equipment for churches and other youth-serving organizations.
For additional child safety information, subscribe to the KidCheck blog or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or YouTube.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash