KidCheck Easter Tools and Features – Part 1

Easter is on its way, and we’d like to help! Here’s the first of two posts on utilizing KidCheck to maximize your Easter efforts. We’ll cover essential KidCheck tools and features that help you efficiently manage the day, reduce your workload, and easily connect with new and attending families.
Next week, in Part 2, we’ll cover how to welcome new families, proactively follow up, and better serve those who regularly attend.
- Temporary Additional Licenses or Edition Upgrade: If and when you need it, you can move to Unlimited licenses or upgrade to a different edition for busy times or a special event. There are no hidden fees or costs. You’ll only pay for what you need for as long as necessary. Call us to make the required changes.
- Multi-Service Feature: Easily handle children’s check-in and attendance tracking across multiple services. Parents/guardians choose and check children into multiple services right at the initial check-in. There’s no need to check in and out between services or reprint badges. Quickly see who is checked-in across multiple services and still provide accurate attendance tracking by individual service. (Plus edition and above)
- Event Registration:Simplify the registration process and gather key information from beginning to end prior to check-in for any size event. Know ahead of time who is planning to attend so you can better manage volunteer-to-child ratios, assign registrants to locations, and run reports to help keep planning organized. (Premier edition)
Use Volunteer Scheduling
Volunteer scheduling is perfect for Easter or any event across your organization. It’s a tool that saves time, eliminates manual processes, and helps simplify the tasks of scheduling volunteers for required roles like classroom teachers and helpers, safety teams, greeters, hospitality, tech, etc. It’s available in a mobile app or desktop version for added convenience. (Plus edition and above)
Offer Mobile Express Check-In
Mobile Express Check-In Feature: Families love added convenience. By including Express Check-In, parents can begin check-in remotely from their personal mobile device. Then, upon arrival, they simply tap submit on their device, and Express Check-In, coupled with the ExpressHub, completes the check-in and automatically prints labels. Reduce lines, improve efficiency, and create a positive parent perception.
Activate Youth Check-In
YouthCheck is the only check-in system designed to meet the specific needs of youth. It’s a full-featured check-in system with a youth-driven design that offers the same ease of use and extensive security features as our children’s check-in. It’s engaging and age-appropriate while encouraging accountability and connection. (Plus edition and above)
Share and Connect
- Text messaging: The quickest way to share critical or more immediate information, such as a schedule change, emergency, or a need request. Parents love how quickly and easily text informs them if they need to return to the nursery or classroom. It’s also great when another guardian drops off or picks up a child as parents can receive an automatic “child has checked-in/out message,” providing assurance of the child’s location.
- Parent Check-In Notes: When parents check-in, it’s a great opportunity for them to share information. Check-in notes provide a visible place for any special instructions they want to be known for that day—anything from birthday information to feeding schedule details. The notes are in addition to the medical & allergy alertfields and are printed on the child’s name badge.
- Check Announcements & Notifications: Here, staff can prominently share information right on the check-in screen, for all parents/guardians to see or for individuals as necessary. It’s great for information and details about upcoming events, room changes, a reminder to bring diapers, a follow-up message to welcome a new family back, and more.
- Broadcast Email: During the holidays, clear, consistent communication with workers and parents can be tricky. Broadcast email is a great way to send a group message. Choose the criteria for who is receiving the message and send it right out of KidCheck. The Broadcast email also includes the option of attaching documents, so you can easily send participation paperwork, a volunteer schedule, event promotion material, or medical releases. (Plus edition and above)
Seasonal Options They’ll Remember
KidCheck offers several preset check-in station themes, including nature, holiday, and seasonal options. Plus, if you’re a Premier edition, you have the option to upload a custom background, which further customizes your check-in experience.
Next Week
Check back for Part 2 of our series on KidCheck tools and features for Easter. We’ll cover how to welcome new families, proactively follow up, and better serve those who regularly attend.
Click here to see additional KidCheck features for existing software editions.
Photo by Gabe Pierce on Unsplash