KidCheck and Easter Visitor Follow-Up Strategy

In just a few weeks, Easter will be here and you’ll be hosting a whole group of new visiting families! That’s one of the many blessings of Easter, that it draws lots of people who might not normally attend church. So in preparation for the big day, it’s important to make sure you have a process defined for not only welcoming new families, but also following up with your first-time guests.
Here are some suggestions from last week’s post for establishing Visitor Check-In processes and helping make visitors feel welcome at their initial visit.
Listed below are a few key items to remember for a successful outreach and follow up:
It’s important to know when visitors and guest families come to your organization. This allows you to both make them feel welcome, and proactively follow up so they are more likely to return. Remember, they are often using this opportunity to learn more about you to determine if there is a good fit.
To easily track visiting and new families use the “First Time Check-in Report” in KidCheck’s comprehensive report library. It will show you the children and guardians that have checked in for the first time by date, and includes the guardian’s contact information. It also captures the room/location the children checked into. You can determine the date range you wish to see. For example you could run the report daily or weekly to have a current list and be able to quickly follow up with visitors.
Here are some ideas for following up with these families. The best follow up is personal, prompt and welcoming.
- During their visit, start by thanking them for coming and asking if they have any questions when they are leaving. This makes their last encounter with you positive and leaves them with a good feeling. Don’t have the only interaction be at their arrival.
- A personal handwritten follow up letter, signed by you, goes a long way. Even if the follow up on communication is typed or a form letter, have the salutation specifically call out the family’s name and have it personally signed by the appropriate person at your organization.
- In addition to thanking them for coming, direct them to where they can find out more information about your facility (i.e. website, Facebook, upcoming event).
- Consider including a note directly to the child that attended as well from the main person they interacted with.
- Some organizations utilize a short “first-timer” survey (nor more than 5 questions) that can either be mailed back or completed online. This can make the visitor feel their input is important and provide you with valuable information. If the survey card is to be mailed back include a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
- Follow up again after a set period of time that you feel is most appropriate. Without putting on pressure, let them know you miss them and hope to see them again. This reminds them you care about them and having them return.
Lastly, no matter what your process looks like make sure you keep your promises! Whether you told them you would contact them at a certain time, provide the family a new bible, or send a children’s ministry booklet of interest – then DO IT! You may not have another opportunity to minister to their need, and that goes a long way in helping them make the decision to return.
Click here to schedule a free online demonstration to learn more about KidCheck’s feature rich, secure children’s check-in system and how it can assist you with getting first time visiting families to return. For additional overall improving child safety information join us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Pinterest.
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