KidCheck Church Management Software Integrations

We are excited to share KidCheck’s secure children’s check-in system now integrates with several church management software (ChMS) providers, including Church Community Builder, Church Windows and(coming soon) Breeze. Maintain a single church-wide database, plus experience the benefits of KidCheck’s best-in- class children’s check-in.
Highly Secure Child Check-In + ChMS
At KidCheck, children’s check-in is what we do. It’s our passion, and we know it backwards and forwards.We believe every child has the right to grow and learn in a safe environment, and every parent should have peace-of- mind about the safety of their children.
Child safety is a key emphasis for KidCheck, and we incorporate the highest security standards in oursolution. Our concentrated check-in focus allows KidCheck to deliver innovative, easy-to- use, highly secure children’s check-in software, that isn’t always found in a ChMS.
These integrations provide an additional option for churches to pair top ministry technology solutions together to best meet their individual needs.
Single Database and Seamless Data Sharing
Data is shared seamlessly between KidCheck and the ChMS system. Children’s check-in remains as
simple as parents inputting their 10 digit phone number or scanning their keytag. Behind the scenes KidCheck determines if the person checking in is in KidCheck, the ChMS database, or both. Depending on that outcome, the proper data is transferred, updates are made, and check-in is processed – all in the blink of an eye.
Visitors and Updates
Visitors can be easily captured for follow up right at children’s check-in without the need for paper forms, manual data entry, or time consuming data input. Visiting families simply set up their KidCheck account while checking children in. Then voila, their information has been captured and is available to transfer into the database for easy follow-up. Additionally, since KidCheck’s parent maintained accounts allow parents to make updates from home to keep their contact information current, it helps keep the ChMS database up-to- date as the updates can be transferred.
Data Transfer and Choices
Flexibility exists to choose what, when and how often to review, match and update records between KidCheck and the ChMS. Here’s how it works at a high level. Say families are in the ChMS but not in KidCheck. There’s no need to input their information into KidCheck. They’ll show up automatically attheir first check-in. On the flip side, if a family checking in is not in the ChMS, but is in KidCheck, their information is flagged. Churches have options how to handle that scenario. They can choose to have accounts automatically created or generate exception lists that can be reviewed for manual adjustment as appropriate. The same option applies when parents make updates in KidCheck. Administrators choose how to, or not to, update and handle.
We hope you are as excited about these integrations as we are. We think it’s a win all the way around – churches, ministry leaders, and attending families.
KidCheck, Inc. provides secure children’s check-in software and complete check-in station systems for churches, fitness facilities, and organizations caring for children. KidCheck believes every child deserves a chance to grow in a safe environment, and every parent deserves peace-of- mind about the safety of their children. KidCheck is committed to delivering easy-to- use, innovative, and reliable check-in systems backed by world class support. To learn more or to request a demo visit
#ChMS #CheckIn #KidCheck
01/12/2016 at 9:15 am
Is Breeze integrated now?
Angela Lewton
01/12/2016 at 10:20 am
Hi Tony, thanks for your interest. It’s not yet available, but we’re actively working on it, and plan to have it rolled out soon. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Robert McClain
06/01/2017 at 9:50 am
What is the latest for integration with Breeze ChMS?
Elissa Reid
06/01/2017 at 10:18 am
Hi Robert, We are getting closer to the integration and working with Breeze on some final adjustments. Thanks for asking. We are near completion.
Elissa Reid
23/02/2017 at 1:33 pm
Exciting News – Breeze ChMS integration is now complete. KidCheck now integrates with Breeze to provide best-in-class children’s check-in while still keeping a single church wide database.
01/05/2018 at 4:15 pm
Hi, will KidCheck ever integrate with Salesforce? We’re a non-profit with a very complicated setup so we’re planning to use Salesforce for the foreseeable future and are always looking for new systems that can tie into our current database. We really love what you’ve done with KidCheck and would like to use it as our check-in and check-out system. However, we worry about importing contact information from KidCheck into Salesforce since it creates more room for human errors in our database.
Elissa Reid
01/05/2018 at 4:31 pm
Hi Angela, Thanks for checking in about KidCheck integrations. We don’t integrate with Salesforce and it’s not on our current roadmap. However, we are always looking at integration partners and will add it to our list to investigate. Thanks for using KidCheck as your child check-in and out system to help keep the kids in your care safe. Even without the integration, we feel we can still help you continue to accomplish your check-in goals and will have someone reach out to you to discuss further.
Glen Hobbs
03/05/2018 at 10:42 pm
Hi there!
Any plans for integrating with Rock RMS, Planning Center, Fellowship One or ChurchTeams?
Also, is an API available should we wish to create an integration ourselves?
Elissa Reid
04/05/2018 at 7:57 am
Hi Glen, Thanks for checking in and for being a KidCheck customer. We have a few different ChMS we integrate with and are always investigating into additional ones our customers would find helpful. We’ll reach out to you via the email address you provided to give you some more details of who current integrations are with and on our API. Thank you!
Richard Owens
12/12/2018 at 6:11 am
Hi, Are there any plans to integrate with FellowshipOne? Also, is an API available should our development team wish to create and integration?
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
12/12/2018 at 2:49 pm
Hi Richard, Thank you for your interest in KidCheck integrations. We would be very interested in integrating with Fellowship One, however they don’t have an open API. We consistently look at options for ChMS providers to integrate with. At this juncture we don’t have an API available to provide to you but that is something we continue to discuss as a future possibility. If that changes we will certainly reach out to you by email. Thank you!
Maggie Rae Foreman
28/04/2020 at 9:53 am
My church uses ACS Technologies for attendance and check-in. Will KidCheck be able to integrate with our ACS system and database?
I’m really interested in switching to KidCheck and am wanting to know how easy it would be for our church staff and members.
Elissa Reid
28/04/2020 at 10:25 am
Hi Maggie, Thanks for your interest in KidCheck. We see you requested an online demo and will talk to you more in depth about KidCheck and integrations at your demo. Unfortunately, we don’t currently have an integration with ACS as they do not have an open API for us to connect with.