KidCheck Employee Completes the Marine Corps Marathon

From the moment you meet her you know she’s someone special. She has a bright, beautiful smile that lights up a room. Her approachability is comforting, and within the first few moments of conversation, you can tell she is a woman who has lived a life filled with giving to others.
Meet KidCheck employee Lorene Rasmussen, Queen Lorene as she is called by friends and family. This past weekend Lorene completed her 10th Marine Corps Marathon, a feat often left up to elite athletes, and other fitness-crazed individuals.
This last weekend marked the 41st year of the Marine Corps Marathon (MCM). MCM is often referred to as “The People’s Marathon.” It boasts over thirty thousand participants who come from all 50 states and more than 50 countries. It’s one of the largest marathons in the world, has won several awards, and doesn’t offer prize money – instead it celebrates the honor, courage and commitment of all the finishers.
The course is meticulously managed by the U.S. Marines in Arlington, VA and is 26.2 miles. The starting line is distinct, because it’s positioned between the Pentagon and Arlington National Cemetery. It is a symbol of those who actively work to protect our country, and the fallen heroes who lost their lives fighting for our freedom. It’s a poetic reminder to the runners that this isn’t just any race; it’s a race about shared sacrifice.
This year the theme was Pride and Purpose, with a race slogan of “Run with purpose, finish with pride.” The purpose of this race is to promote physical fitness, generate community goodwill, and showcase the organizational skills of the United States Marine Corps.
What’s unique about Lorene’s story, is that she is a self-described, adult-onset athlete. As John Bingham shares in his book An Accidental Athlete, “an adult-onset athlete is someone who finds themselves in middle age becoming an athlete.”
Check out the Q & A below to see what inspired Lorene to get off the couch and become the athlete that she is today.
What motivated you to start running?
I used to work for Brooks Sports in Seattle, WA. My experience with the company added completing a marathon to my bucket list. It wasn’t until I went to work for Phil Eastman of the Leadership Advisors Group that I got serious about completing my goal. Once I shared with my family, what I was going to do, they stepped up, supported me, and the rest is history.
Why 10 years running at the MCM?
It’s an amazing race! I love it! The energy and comradery are indescribable. There’s also a part in the race that’s called the blue Mile. The blue Mile is lined with photographs of fallen service members. Once you finish that mile, you’re overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude for the service and sacrifice the American military and their families have made for our freedom.
It’s one of only a few races where the elite athletes (those that finish in 3 hours or under) stay around to cheer on and support the rest of us. Plus, the route is scenic and beautiful, and is aptly nicknamed the “Marathon of the Monuments” because it passes by the most extraordinary landmarks in Virginia and the nation’s capital. With all those factors combined, there’s a sense that the race is about so much more than just finishing, it really is about shared sacrifice.
What’s one thing running in the MCM has taught you?
The MCM has taught me that if I go one step at a time I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to. I’m happy being a completer not a competer.
Do you have any advice for those thinking about becoming an adult-onset athlete and preparing for a run like the MCM?
Yes, work hard and smart. Begin with shorter distances and work up. It also helps to get a running coach. They can help in fixing any issues that an incorrect stride may cause. It’s well worth it to get some good advice.
Once again congratulations Lorene! We’re all very proud of you. Your dedication, strength, and stamina are inspiring. Keep up the hard work and thanks for sharing your story.
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Marine Corps Marathon
Leadership Advisors
John Bingham – An Accidental Athlete