KidCheck Interview with Ben Carroll of Ground Operations Development

Recently I had the privilege of sitting down with Ben Carroll Founder of Ground Operations Development (G.O.D). Ben has over 37 years of leadership in law enforcement, tactical operations, and incident management. G.O.D is made up of two divisions. The first is a Tactical Division which exists to train S.W.A.T teams to operate at maximum efficiency in highly stressful situations and the second is the Guardian program which focuses on security policies and procedures, site security assessments, and security team training for churches.
In the interview, Ben provides an introduction to G.O.D and the Guardian Program which operates as the ministry side of his business. He speaks directly to the need of why the organization was created and shares the top three risk/liabilities to children’s and youth ministry. Next, Ben highlights the two most critical policies any ministry focused on children should implement and wraps up with some tips and tricks for improving child safety no matter the size of your organization.
The Guardian Program offers churches of all shapes and sizes assessments, policy development, and security team training for a fraction of the cost of many church security companies. Ben’s team has over one hundred years of combined experience with a focus on S.W.A.T Training, Security Applications, and Crisis Management. These areas of focus combined with a love the Lord is a winning combination.
Click on the video below to see the full interview.