KidCheck New Feature – Guardian Text Messaging Improved

Customer feedback is important, and at KidCheck we welcome it and take it seriously. It encourages ongoing conversation and helps us understand what customers really want, not only in a secure children’s check-in system, but also out of the company they have chosen to partner with, to improve child safety.
KidCheck’s latest feature, Guardian Text was based on customer feedback. Essentially, you spoke and we listened. With Guardian Text parents have the option to have an automatic “child is checked-in/out” notification sent via text to each of the guardians listed on their account. This provides peace of mind, as we’ve expanded the notification feature so now parents can choose which guardians are notified when another authorized guardian drops off or picks up the child. It’s perfect for today’s busy families with multiple guardians handling child care.
The Guardian Text feature is also unique in that it can be activated by either a KidCheck system administrator or a guardian on the account. To activate, simply go to KidCheck system login area, click on the “My Account” tab, chose “Guardians” and then “Text Message Notifications” and click the check-in and check-out text for each guardian you want to have receive the notification.
The Guardian Text feature can also be used as a helpful reminder for parents of older kids to pick up their youth and a great tool for VBS programs.
Click here to learn more about KidCheck feature sets and the differences in check-in software editions. Visit here to schedule a demo and learn more about the benefits of using secure children’s check-in.
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