KidCheck Popular Posts – What You’ve Read and Shared!

It’s always fun to share what people are interested in reading and sharing on our blog page. Whether it is security tips and tricks or best practices, tracking and managing allergies, or secure children’s check-in; there’s lots of information for anyone interested in children’s ministry.
Safety and security are important topics in today’s world. There are oodles of aspects to think through when considering how to create an environment where security is a top priority.
The KidCheck blog is designed to provide new insights and guidance on using secure children’s check-in and the benefits to creating a safer children’s ministry environment.
As we embark on the second part of 2015 expect to see additional posts that highlight safety & security best practices, policy implementation tips/tricks, interviews from Kidmin thought- leaders, customer stories, and the latest KidCheck endeavors.
To date, listed below are the top three most popular posts. Many thanks for your interest and if you’ve not read please enjoy!
- KidCheck Offers Free Child Safety Webinar In May we provided a free webinar, “Improving Child Safety in Your Organization”. The webinar provided insight on today’s leading safety concerns, confronting organizations caring for children and shared actionable, specific best practices that are easy to implement and provide a positive impact on child safety.
- Mobile Check-In Scenarios – How Can You Use It? This post is from 2014, but still holding strong. It covers the top situations where using mobile for children’s check-in can help better connect with first-time visitors, save space and money, and of course increase your ministry hip factor.
- KidCheck Children’s Check-In and Vacation Bible School (VBS) VBS provides a great opportunity to minister to the local community, as well as to engage both children outside the church and young adults in service. This popular post highlights a few ways KidCheck children’s check-in can help support churches at special times like VSB.
To learn more about our secure child check-in products, safety tips, and best practices visit the KidCheck blog or connect and share with us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Pinterest.