KidCheck’s Back to School Abuse Prevention Tips & Resources

Parents struggle with the realization that they will not always be there to protect their children; whether their returning back to school, or participating in an extracurricular program. The stats around child safety can keep even the strongest parent up at night. This post highlights safety & security tips regarding abuse prevention. Plus, at the end, check out the links for additional resources, they’re great for sharing with your teams, volunteers, and parents.
Top three points that every person who works with children should know.
- 90% of all childhood sexual abuse occurs by someone with whom the child knows and has a trusted, established relationship, not by a stranger.
- Childhood sexual abuse occurs among ALL socioeconomic, educational, racial, and cultural groups in the United States and in the world.
- Sex offenders do not usually look “weird”. There is no outward physical appearance to indicate an abuser, and they are experts at hiding their true selves. Sex offenders look “normal”. It’s part of the “con”.
*Information provided by Safely Ever After, Inc.
Top five security tips for abuse prevention.
- Always have updated policies & practices in place and communicate them often to staff, volunteers and administration.
- Ensure a child is never alone with one adult. Establish the “Rule of 2’s” (minimum 2 kids & 2 adults) when moving kids or taking them to the restroom.
- Evaluate the physical environment of each room; open up hidden areas & secure private spaces. Make it impossible for an adult to be alone or out of sight with a child.
- Never allow children to be unattended in your facility! This will prevent one child from abusing another. Even the children of teachers, pastors, volunteers or staff need to be supervised.
- Establish consistent screening policies for volunteers, staff and individuals participating in special event activities.
Always remember…KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and worth sharing!
Resource Links
Safely Ever After –
Stop It Now –
Darkness to Light –
Prevent Child Abuse America –
Crimes Against Child Resource Center –
To learn more about our secure child check-in products, safety tips, and best practices visit the KidCheck blog or connect with our growing community on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Pinterest.