KidCheck’s “Technology Spotlight: Communication with Families”

Updated “Optimizing Child Safety in Your Organization” ebook click here
In May of 2015, KidCheck partnered with Church Tech Today to offer a free, all-inclusive, eBook, entitled “Technology Spotlight: Children’s Check-In.” The eBook was designed to focus on helping children’s ministry leaders fine-tune their safety and security protocols and is a timeless resource that shares information on key topics such as: volunteer security, background check information, child allergy management, welcoming visitors, and lastly, the benefits of using electronic check-in to increase child safety.
Take a look at the excerpt below, which shares how clear, effective and consistent communication between children’s ministry staff and caregivers can dismantle the barriers to parent involvement – which ultimately makes the ministry stronger, safer, and more effective.
Bottom line, technology is a fantastic tool that can be utilized by ministry leaders to improve the communication process with the families you serve.
“With the right tools, completing the communication loop can be easy, fast, and cost effective. Smart ministry leaders utilize technology to communicate clearly and in a timely manner.”
In-Person Communication
“A great time to communicate with guardians is at check-in, when you are face-to-face for just a few moments. If you are using an electronic check-in system, any important information can be added to the child’s record as they are checked in. Many points of concern such as allergy information are printed right on the child’s nametag.
Parents and guardians can let staff know about any special instructions, from an upcoming birthday to a change in feeding schedules. For more sensitive communication about changes in the family due to death, divorce, or separation that may include a restraining order, be willing to set up a private meeting at a later date to provide privacy to the guardian checking their child in. Documenting all relevant information and storing it securely within your children’s check-in system can help keep everyone be on the same page.
Also, children’s ministry staff can put notifications for parents in the check-in system so that when they check their children in, they see helpful announcements such as “Ladybug class meets in room 32 today” or “Don’t forget the canned food drive begins next week.”