KidCheck’s Workshop – Child Protection Policy Unwrapped at #CPC2Day

As a leader in child safety, we’re always excited at the opportunity to share the latest information on how to keep kids safe within ministry. On February 26-27, KidCheck will be attending The Children’s Pastors’ Conference (#CPC2Day) in La Mesa California, as a both a resource provider and a workshop presenter.
KidCheck’s workshop is entitled “The Child Protection Policy Unwrapped” and is designed to help identify the most current and essential elements of an effective Child Protection Policy (CPP). For organizations focused on children, it’s never a good idea to operate without a CPP, especially if creating a safe environment is top of mind for the children you serve.
The goal of the workshop is to minimize the grey area regarding interacting with kids and to provide a framework for setting up a unique policy with clear guidelines. Workshop participants should expect to walk away with a good understanding of how to define, create, implement, and track & manage a CPP for their organization or ministry.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide a tool that’s a living, breathing document for abuse prevention and training, and most of all, a conversation starter that child safety is a very important topic that each ministry will not take lightly.
At KidCheck, we believe every child has the right to grow and learn in a safe environment, and every parent should have peace-of-mind about the safety of their children. The first step in reaching parents is through protecting their children.
We look forward to seeing you this weekend, and if you haven’t registered it’s not too late. Click here for more details.
To learn more about the benefits of using KidCheck’s secure children’s check-in solution visit or join us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Pinterest.
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