Simple Information Gathering With Check-In Surveys

For child and youth-focused organizations, capturing data remains a significant factor in decision making. Whether you are striving to gain new insights, offer new products or services, redirect resources, or manage processes to improve performance, information gathering is crucial.
With KidCheck Check-In Surveys, you can quickly gather key information and ask unique questions pertaining only to your organization, right at check-in.
Data Capture
Check-In Surveys offer the ability to create and customize surveys and questionnaires that directly relate to the information your organization needs to capture. Examples include critical health and safety information, symptom tracking for Covid-19, feedback on activity participation or upcoming events, new visitor information, or whatever it is you need to know – the possibilities are endless.
Doing More With Less
The surveys also provide the ability to establish checkpoints at children’s check-in. An example of this is halting the child’s check-in due to a specific response associated with your criteria. Examples include if the response to “Does your child have a fever over 100.3 or Has your child felt ill in last day or two?” is “yes,” the check-in process would not continue. A message will then pop-up noting the check-in has been blocked and to see a staff member for additional assistance. If needed, there is also an override for the block which records who allowed the check-in.
Timing Is Everything
You are in control. You can set the frequency and timing of your questionnaire or survey to show up once or at every check-in. Plus, you can have multiple surveys going, using the format that works best for you.
Available question and answer formats include drop-down, check box, radio button, or short and long input. Depending on the target for the data capture, questionnaires can be designed for children, youth, guardians, or workers.
Find It Fast
Quick accessibility is vital for getting the most out of your data and aids in making informed decisions. Completed and historical survey data can be easily accessed in the “Survey” tab and exported for reporting.
Data is all around us and offers a variety of usages and purposes. By collecting information based on criteria you set, it becomes easier to direct your organization, rebuild where necessary, and better connect with the families you serve.
Click here and join us for a free product demo and to learn more about the benefits of using secure children’s check-in. To keep the information coming in 2021, do not forget to subscribe to the KidCheck Blog or join us on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.