Youth Volunteer Resources

Youth volunteers have always been an integral part of any organization serving kids and youth. Volunteering provides opportunities to develop practical skills such as problem-solving and collaboration, gain real-world experience, and create meaningful change.
Here are some KidCheck resources to help get the most out of your youth squad; including how to involve them when disaster strikes, tools and tips to increase safety, how to protect your organization, and prioritize screening.
- Preparing Youth If Disaster Strikes – Everyone has a role to play during a disaster, including youth. Learning to prepare for a disaster is an excellent way to get them involved. This post covers five action steps to leverage youth in your organization to help during times of disaster.
- Roster Check-In – It delivers a faster, easier, way to check-in / out youth. It’s a real-time digital roster that replaces the manual clipboard and is perfect for all your list-based check-in needs.
- Feature Spotlight: Youth Self Check-In and Out Options – If your organization is looking to streamline the youth check-in and out process and allow them to, on their own, self-check-in and out, here’s additional features that can be used stand-alone, together, or as a backup and includes Roster Check-In, laminated badges, and the Self Check-In List.
- Top Five Youth Worker Safety Tips – Here are some tips to reduce juvenile offenses even if candidates have completed the screening process and are given the green light to interact with children.
- Seven Steps to Effectively Screen Youth Working with Children – Screening acts as a deterrent for bad behavior, eliminates easy access to kids, and bubbles up need-to-know information. This post covers screening procedures for teens working directly with kids.
- KidCheck Series Part 1: Reducing the Risk of Juvenile Offenses in Children’s Ministry – This is the first in a series of posts that provide information and resources to help organizations reducing juvenile offenses, discuss the nature of juvenile offenses, the importance of creating awareness, having a prevention plan, the process for screening juveniles, and how to respond to an incident.
- KidCheck Series Part 2: Reducing the Risk of Juvenile Offenses in Children’s Ministry – This is the second in the series and shares the nature of juvenile offenses, the importance of creating awareness, and having a prevention plan.
- KidCheck Series Part 3: Reducing the Risk of Juvenile Offenses in Children’s Ministry – In part three, we share crucial elements of the youth safety plan, details on how to properly screen youth volunteers, incident management, and ways to include those in your ministry with past offenses.
- Youth Worker Volunteer Application – The is a sample document of a youth worker application that has been adopted from a document shared by Brotherhood Mutual.
Click here to learn more about the benefits of using secure children’s check-In. For additional safety information, subscribe to the KidCheck blog, or join our growing social community. You can find us on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.