KidCheck Adds New Security Feature on Child Check-In Badge

One thing we take very seriously here at KidCheck is the way in which our children’s check-in system handles multiple security and printing features that are associated with the security badges.
Currently, our children and guardian badges include matching security codes and a unique identical watermark icon printed on each; as well as, allergy/medical warnings on the children’s badges, and any special notes from the parents.
This week we added a new security feature for the children’s label. An exclamation point will print on the lower left hand corner of the badge if the child has an unauthorized guardian listed in his/her account – alerting teachers and staff that some extra caution may be necessary during check out.
In addition to the new security feature, we also made keeping track of children’s birthdays easier by including a birthday cake icon that will print on the children’s badge if the child checks in within 7 days of his/her birthday.
Lastly, KidCheck is designed to work with existing pager systems to easily associate pager numbers with children who have been checked-in and their associated guardian. Now, children’s ministry teams can see what pagers have been assigned to whom, the date they were checked out and the location the parent chose.
[Tweet “New feature alert! @KidCheck adds additional security on child badge w/ exclamation point icon in corner if unauthorized guardian associated.”] [Tweet “Easily recognize a child’s birthday! @KidCheck added a new birthday cake icon which prints on the badge when checked-in w/in 7 days of bday.”]